Dad is sent into hysterics by daughter's pronunciation of body parts > 자유게시판

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Dad is sent into hysterics by daughter's pronunciation of body parts

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작성자 Latasha Flemmin…
댓글 0건 조회 136회 작성일 25-02-02 11:11


It's never too early to educate your children about sex - however, as one dad quickly realised, some of the long words may be a bit hard for the young ones to articulate. Serial snapchatter Stevo, from London, found himself in a fit of giggles due to his eight-year-old daughter Kaci, who had been taught the names of body parts at school. Reading from a sex education book called What's Happening To Me? little Kaci talks her dad through the various sex organs - with hilarious results. Serial snapchatter Stevo, from London and Lincolnshire, found himself in a fit of giggles due to his eight-year-old daughter Kaci (pictured), who had been taught the parts of the body in school She starts with the boy's sex organs, pointing out the 'forrykin', 'scrot-um' and 'test-i-cles', while Stevo streams the whole thing through his popular Snapchat account,Stevothemadman.

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'This is the ov-ary and this is the wom,' she says.
Her dad is still laughing uncontrollably as he asks her if she's ever heard of The Wombats. Donning a sex education book called What's Happening To Me?, little Kaci talks her dad through the various sex organs and body parts - with hilarious results Kaci then has a go at reading about sexual intercourse. 'A man's penis fits inside a woman's vagina during sex', she says, innocently.

'What a horrible lying book!' says Stevo. 'They don't go near each other until they're 40 years old'. Kaci moves on to 'public hair' and the 'uninary opening'. She starts talking about the 'hymin' before her dad cuts her off. Perhaps the most hilarious part of the video is the girl's inability to say 'clitorus'. 'Slit-slitoris', she repeats until eventually, with the help of her dad, she manages the complicated word.

The funny video has amassed 786,000 views since Stevo posted it on Facebook, and he has received many comments praising his positive parenting style The funny video has amassed 786,000 views since Stevo posted it on Facebook, slot scatter hitam and he has received many comments praising his positive parenting style. 'This is the best way I have seen a parent interact with their kids, making their kids want to learn,' wrote Sam Bradbury. 'Kids don't feel open enough with their parents about sex talks because some parents are too secretive about it.

Talk to them and joke around with them - this is great!


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